Use your time creatively

Project Duration: 2021 – 2022
The ‘Use your time creatively!’ project is based purely on the exchange of good practices, a cultural initiative with an educational dimension. Each participating organisation developed an innovative learning method for adult learners that will be transferred to the rest of partners. The project aims to extend the competences of educators in the field of new methodologies for adult learners, as well as preparing an innovative set of educational materials dedicated to a group of young parents.
The participating organisations from Poland, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Georgia and Egypt, will gain a wider, more attractive educational offer that will be better suited to the needs and interests of the target group.
Each organisation specialises in different field which ensures a wide exchange of good practices.
There will be free access to the materials created, which will extend the exchange of good practices at national and international level. The project will strengthen competences of educators and introduce new, innovative solutions for adult learners in a long-term perspective.
The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2020-1-PL01-KA227-ADU-095421