
AR4EFL logo

The kick-off meeting for AR4EFL was held earlier this month, the meeting was held over Zoom and all partners from were present. This is a two-year project, running until 2023 and partners include:

  • Eurospeak Language Schools Ltd, UK
  • Stando Ltd, Cyprus
  • E-School Educational Group, Greece
  • Associacio Educativa i Cultural Blue Beehive, Spain
  • Conlan School Limited, UK (Wales)
  • Learnmera, Finland

The objectives of this project are to:

  • Create a realistic learning environment for learners of a second language so as to motivate them to learn.
  • Design, test and publish an innovative educational package based on AR technology for primary school teachers that will guide and support their English (or any other) as second language teaching.
  • To provide quality training to primary school teachers on how to utilise the innovative educational package in traditional or virtual/online classroom.

Results will include:

  • IO1: Desk research: A literature review comparing traditional approaches and augmented reality in language acquisition.
  • IO2: A teacher handbook with lesson plans for language learning through AR.
  • IO3: Augmented Reality application, with which we aim to generate a methodology that makes students an active part of learning, and also allows collaborative learning 2 training activities: C1 to train the VET trainers (3 training workers from each country) and C2 to train primary school teachers (5 teachers from each country), on the educational AR for EFL package developed during the project. The aim of these training activities is to maximize the impact of the project allowing them to use the application effectively and give participants the necessary training and skills.
  • 6 national multiplier events to promote the project, its intellectual outputs, and its outcomes.

The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2020-1-UK01-KA226-SCH-094466