Project ASSESS began in 2019 with the aim to develop innovative learning tools via an online platform for young EFL learners. The traditional learning methods of pen and paper tests can be viewed as outdated in today’s modern world, and not truly reflect the student’s real potential.
The main goal of the project is to bring a new approach to assessment. A wide variety of material has already been produced by the six partners from six countries, including colourful flashcards with images and text, illustrated worksheets, exams, and rubrics. The partners have also collected many images, all of which are currently in the process of being uploaded to the Online Exam Creator.
By using The Online Exam Creator (OEC), not only will EFL teachers have access to the material created by the partners, but they will be able to produce their own exams and downloadable content specific to their needs.
The OEC is very close to completion, and once complete we expect that many EFL teachers will have the desire to use this platform and the impact of this project will increase rapidly.
The Online Exam Creator can be viewed here.
Project ASSESS will launch later this year, you can follow updates on the Facebook page and website.
The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061275