Time to act through sustainable experiences for higher education students!
TIME2ACT@SD aims to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, as well as changing behaviours among EU HE students, in the field of sustainable development (SD) and SD Goals (SDG), through the development of interactive content, digital tools, and innovative teaching methodologies, for HE teachers’ use.
The partners met in Rome in September for the second face-to-face Transnational Project Meeting. During the meeting, all Work Packages were discussed, including their current status and upcoming activities. Overall, the meeting was a success and clear objectives and milestones for the coming months were set.
Partners continue to meet online each month to monitor the ongoing activities of the project. The next online meeting will take place on 6th November, where the main topic discussed will be the three MOOCs. There areas the MOOCs will focus on are:
- Environmental sustainability
- Social sustainability
- Economic sustainability
For more information and to follow the project’s progress, visit our website or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.