
AWARDS project logo

The AWARDS (autonomy and well-aging reinforcement for the adult people with down syndrome) project is in its early stages, with the kick-off meeting happening only a few months ago.

In recent years, thanks to the developments of treatments, people with DS are now expected to live to being 60 years old. Because this is a relatively new phenomenon, there has not been much research in to parenting aging adults with DS. With this in mind, there is a lack of knowledge for families and carers of aging people with down syndrome. The project is concerned with support for families and professionals working with adults over 30 years of age with down syndrome.

There are two different results with a series of activities to be implemented for project AWARDS. The first result will involve creating a skills and interests test for adults with DS for proper professional and social orientation and developing multimedia training tools for healthy nutrition and physical exercises and sports training.

The second result will include creating training modules on sexual health and health protection, and an e-learning platform to host the project’s results. Training activities and conferences will also be held in the countries of the participating organisations.

For more information and updates on the project visit to Facebook page.

The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-094615