Language on the move

Project Duration: 2008 – 2010
Partners: Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia
The main purpose of the project was to reach people who use public transport (PT) to travel to Baltic and Nordic countries to work, to study or for other purposes and help them to realise the importance of learning the language of a destination country and to accept norms of courtesies and behaviour they should follow while in a country.
The final product was DVD -survival phrases in a role play in Lithuanian, Swedish, Estonian, Finnish and Danish and a phrasebook disseminated among travel agencies and adult education centres for self-learning.
The idea of the project was born from the realization how important it is for people travelling to neighbouring countries to know at least several words or phrases of the country’s language. It can help make your trip much more pleasant and meaningful and feel more self-confident. Moreover, your efforts to address people in their native language will be most rewarding and people will become more open and friendly because of the respect you have exhibited for their country and culture. They will be pleased to learn that their language is important for a newcomer who has come not just for work, studies, but on a visit as well.
The project was selected as a good practice example and presented during Baltic EXPRO 2010.
Project funded by NordPlus Horizontal 2008-2010