Opening Doors Giving Opportunity

Project duration: 2017 – 2019
Our project is focused on reducing dropout rates, and the objective is to offer a second chance to the disadvantaged students in particular, who have dropped out of school for various reasons, allowing their return to the education system to complete their studies and improve conditions for finding a job.
We develop activities via peer learning and collaborative work that answer to improving the acquisition and integration of basic competences into the curriculum, development of new approaches to strengthen the educators’ training, digital integration of languages in the learning, promotion of unified qualifications on a European level and innovative projects directed to reducing the differences in the results of learning that concern the students in disadvantaged environments.
The results developed in the project are:
1) Management manuals;
2) A study of premature abandonment within the school system;
3) Institutional programs that are applied in every participant country;
4) Examples of good practices: a) Prevention of school dropout, b) The access to other levels of the educational system, c) Promotion of active citizenship;
5) Reduction and improvement of the programme of school failure in our institutions, a) Formal and non-formal learning;
6) Collaborating with city halls, institutes, teacher training colleges and other organisations in the participant regions;
7) Examples of good practices related to innovative experiences in education;
8) Strategies of intervention for disadvantaged groups.
The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2017-1-ES01-KA204-038438