Digital and Green Marketing in the Digital Age
2024 – 2025 The DigMar Project aims to enhance the digital marketing skills of professionals in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Its primary objectives include: By focusing on these goals, the project seeks to empower professionals to effectively navigate the evolving digital landscape. Project Number: 2024-1-DE02-KA210ADU-000253719 Website | Facebook
Green Pathway to Tomorrow
The main concept of the project titled “Green Pathway to Tomorrow” is to promote sustainability and green practices among pupils in secondary schools. So, the project aims to address environmental and climate change issues by supporting innovators at school, developing key competences and green skills, promoting green transport, and fostering an understanding of the importance […]
TIME2ACT@SD – Time to Act through Sustainable Experiences for HigherEducation Students Project Duration: 2022-2025 TIME2ACT@SD aims to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as changing of behaviours among European higher education (HE) students, in the field of sustainable development (SD) and SD Goals(SDG), through the development of interactive content, digital […]
Project Duration: 2022-2024 The project ‘Recycling’ aims to increase sensitivity to climate change and environmental pollution, which are the primary problems of not only the environment we live in but also the whole world. TARGETS: The applicant country is Turkey. Partners are Finland, Spain and Greece. Facebook | Instagram The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2022-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000084308
Designing the Future
Project Duration: 2022-2024 In this unpredictable world, the pandemic became a great chance to remember and get aware of the skills that students need: decision-making, digital literacy/readiness, creative problem solving, critical thinking and perhaps, above all, ability to adapt. Adaptability must be built into our educational systems in order to ensure that those skills remain […]
Project Duration: 2022-2024 This project, called RE-THINK / RE-ACT, focuses on the INCLUSION of Secondary Education students with adaptation difficulties and / or behavior in classrooms due to poor training of SOFT SKILLS, which, currently, supposes a real challenge for education systems, since they tend to focus their training on HARD SKILLS as a priority. […]
DIMPE – Digitalisation of multilingual programs in the EHEA Project Duration: 2022-2025 The development of linguistic competence is one of the eight key competencies promoted by the EC. Despite MemberStates commitment to the promotion of foreign languages through enacting initiatives for the promotion of bilingualism, i.e., through YUFE and through the improvement of the effectiveness […]
Skills4Mums – Job skills for unemployed mothers Project duration: 2022-2023 Project’s aim is to increase social and economic mobility among stay-at-home mothers with no job and low income by providing the tools they need to thrive in their life, thereby strengthening generations of families and children to flourish and succeed both in work and life. Skills4Mums […]
E-safety – Learn E-Safety and Be Safe on Digital World Project duration 2021-2023 With advances in science, technology is now an integral part of everyone’s life. Consequently, the effective use of digital technologies has come to the forefront of the competencies that future generations must have. However, it is possible to bring this competence to […]
LEAD – Learning in difficult Times Project Duration: 2022-2024 The aim of the project called “Learning in difficult times” is to break the prejudices of educators working in the field of adult education and to draw attention to the use of tools such as skype, zoom and blue button in adult education. According to European […]