AWARDS (autonomy and well-aging reinforcement for the adult people with down syndrome)
Project Duration: 2020-2022
The specific objective of the project will be achieved by reaching two different project results with a series of activities to be implemented and outputs from them. These results and the activities to reach these results are planned as the following.
RESULT A – Improving the competence of families and professionals with the adults with DS to gain their skills of autonomy in order to reinforce active and well-aging of the adults with DS.
- Activity A1- Creating “Skills and Interests Test for Adults With DS” for accurate professional and social orientation of the adults with DS.
- Activity A2- Developing “Multimedia Training Tool for Healthy Nutrition” for the adults with DS.
- Activity A3- Developing “Multimedia Training Tool for Physical Exercises and Sports Training” for the adults with DS.
- Activity A4- Creating “Vocational Education, Employment and Social Participation Training Module” for the families and professionals of the adults with DS.
RESULT B – Improving the competences of families and professionals of the adults with Down Syndrome to increase their life quality in order to reinforce active and well-aging of the adults with DS.
- Activity B1- Creating “Sexual Health and Sexual Education Module for Adults With DS” for the families and professionals of the people with DS .
- Activity B2- Creating “Health Protection Training Module for Adults With DS” for the families and professionals of the people with DS.
- Activity B3- Creating an e-learning platform to reinforce the education materials and skills and interest tests.
- Activity B4- Organizing adult trainers’ training activities of AWARDS project training modules.
- Activity B5- Pilot training activities of AWARDS project training modules in partner countries.
- Activity B6- Organizing “Active and Well-Aging in People With Down Syndrome Conference and Concert Program”.
The competences of the families and professionals of the adults with DS will be achieved in order to equip the adults with Down Syndrome with knowledge and skills in professional, technical, social or cultural fields, to bring them to life and to support them to become productive individuals. With the project products and results obtained within the scope of the project, the active and well-aging will be reinforced by increasing the social inclusion of the adults with Down syndrome.
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The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-094615