
Project duration: 2019 – 2021
“IntegrAction – Action for socio-economic integration of refugees and asylum seekers” project is elaborated in order to promote the social and economic inclusion of the refugees and asylum seekers in the local context of reception.
The general objective of the IntegrAction project is to contribute to the social and economic inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the local context of reception.
The Specific Objectives are:
- To improve the linguistic competences of refugees and asylum seekers in order to promote the process of socio-economic integration.
- To increase the employability of immigrants through the strengthening of socio-professional and entrepreneurship competencies aimed at job placement, active job search and self-employment.
- To develop social and intercultural competences in immigrants stimulating their active participation in the local communities through mutual understanding initiatives.
The intellectual Outputs within the project are connected with the main barriers faced by refugees and asylum seekers: host country language, access to the job market, social acceptation by local communities of the host country.
- The IO1 – “Tool4aLLs – Toolkit on digital tools for Literacy and Language proficiency”;
- The IO2 “Immigrants in the Labour Market: a manual to facilitate entrepreneurship and business start-up”;
- The IO3 “Webdoc – Migrant Diaries”
Facebook | Website | LiveBinder | Tools4alls | Newsletter | Handbook for Entrepreneurs | YouTube (Finnish) | YouTube (English)
The project is financed by Erasmus+ 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063302