Mental Health+

Project Duration: 2019 – 2021
MH+ will develop governance and benchmarking tools for use by VET professionals in order to understand and improve their current approach to mental health issues.
Consequently, MH+ aims to develop a complementary ‘top down’ approach which allows VET institutions to fully understand how mental health and well-being fit into their services, and so develop responses that are inclusive of a range of learners. This will be achieved by developing a series of governance and benchmarking resources that underpin a structured and supported approach to quality service design. Partners will first develop an MH+ Charter which will set out the minimum requirements an organization needs to conform to in order to consider its provisions inclusive of learners with mental health issues. This will be achieved through desk and field research into current best practices and emergent trends across Europe.
The Charter will then be used as the basis for an interactive digital benchmarking tool that VET practitioners will be able to use to assess their current services and then track their improvement. Each organisation’s score against the Charter will form a ‘Mental Health Footprint’, with those organizations scoring highly awarded an MH+ quality mark. The final project output has been designed with sustainability and long-term impact in mind, as partners will produce a skills profile and resources for the development of a Mental Health Champion role. This will help MH+ achieve a wide impact on the governance structures found across VET institutions, helping these organizations to become more welcoming and inclusive for a range of young people with mental health issues.
This will see an improvement in the numbers of students from these groups engaging with VET services, helping to address the current retention and drop out rates in VET.
E-book | Charter | Facebook | Newsletter
The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-062036