Project duration: 2011-2013
Partners: Finland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Latvia
Segundas Lenguas y Nuevas Tecnologías (SLNT) is an international project in the educational sphere involving partners from Spain, Italy, Romania, Latvia and Finland. The project focuses on second language teaching; its main objective is creating an adaptation of the European Language Portfolio to the environment of second language teaching in formal settings.
The project tries to integrate three important concepts in society and current education: New Technologies (Tics), Second Language Learning and Culture. Second Language Learning has seen that the Tics have helped to develop a new communicative methodology in the last years. Our intention is to use, to learn and to take advantage of these modern informatics items for the language teaching‐learning process and to prepare some new material.
The SLNT project addresses intercultural problems and intends to give adult immigrants the full assurance that learning a second language is entirely possible and prevent them from social isolation by creating a virtual learning community, promoting integration, social advancement and employment.
Project funded by LLP – LDV – European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 2