Project Duration: 2021-2024
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is the driver for making Europe climate-neutral for our greener future and protecting our natural habitat. Greener sustainable ecosystems aimed at the people well-being as proposed by the European Green Deal will be good for people, planet and economy. No one will be left behind. Due to this, STEM attracts more attention at all the educational levels. However, the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly changed STEM teaching from the „normal“ (traditional) to the „new normal“ (on-line only). This brought teachers to an unprecedented lack of STEM on-line educational materails as well as STEM teachers‘ fully on-line teaching skills.
As STEM skills are important for everyone, the global STEM community in higher education has been developing STEM COIL (Collaborative On-line International Learning) in and between the USA, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa, thereby being implemented in global classrooms.
This project proposes the two-level innovation:
- on the one hand, to incorporate STEM COIL into the Nordplus countries, thereby connecting the Nordplus classrooms to the global classrooms,
- on the other hand, to interlink STEM COIL in different educarion sectors (school, vocational, higher and adult) in the Nordplus countries.
This will be a disruptive project that will change the education practices towards the XXI century.
The project purpose is to develop the Handbook on STEM COIL for teachers and teacher trainers in different educational sectors (on the one hand, school, vocational, higher and adult; and, on the other hand, formal, non-formal and informal) and support them with on-line teaching materials in their work with learners including disadvantaged ones for their skills‘ improvement in green sustainable ecosystems and increasing educational and social inclusion.
The project is financed by NordPlus: NPHZ-2021/10050