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The Re-Think Re-Act project is close to finishing. The partners have been working closely over the last two years to ensure the final results are completed to the highest standard possible, while having the greatest impact on the target groups.

This month Multiplier Events took place in Spain, Cyprus and Finland during February. Spain carried out an international congress on the inclusion of soft skills for a more inclusive education. The main topic of the event in Cyprus was on gamification and the use of role models in educational inclusion. Finally, the focus of the Finnish event was on technology and innovation in education.


The four results can be found on this link, details of these outputs are below:

Rethinking for Schools (RFS)

Educational centers find it difficult to detect shortcomings in meeting the needs of students, and limitations in their improvement strategies. Therefore, RFS is an ideal digital tool based on extensive analysis thanks to the capacity of collaborating partners, which provides information to establish areas of self-diagnosis and lines of work for educational management teams and managers.

Re-Act Webspace (RAW)

This is a free and open training platform for educational agents, and is an essential part of the Re-Think Re-Act ecosystem. Its contents can be used both formally and independently by teachers interested in soft skills. Thanks to the Re-Act Webspace, teachers, directors and specialised agents can start an upskilling process, training educational agents in aspects in which they have not been traditionally trained.


YOUDO is a digital resource with gamified interactive materials with a socialising component that facilitates self-knowledge by reinforcing skills related to emotional intelligence. Thanks to the game and overcoming challenges, the YOUDO user reflects and re-learns skills to face daily situations in which creativity, resilience, digital skills and other soft skills necessary for more meaningful and effective learning are required.

Together App (2Gapp)

The 2Gapp supports the ecosystem of Re-Think Re-Act results. It is the necessary piece for all the plans, training and resources of an educational organisation to have the desired effect. Through this app it is possible to follow the progress of the students in real time and alerts will be established for the personalised and synchronised attention of said students.

Follow the project on social media or visit the projects website for more information.

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The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032542