
Skills4Mums – Job skills for unemployed mothers
Project duration: 2022-2023
Project’s aim is to increase social and economic mobility among stay-at-home mothers with no job and low income by providing the tools they need to thrive in their life, thereby strengthening generations of families and children to flourish and succeed both in work and life. Skills4Mums offers skills training for unemployed mothers in Greece and unemployed immigrant mothers in Finland and Sweden, supporting them to find employment and return to the workforce. The partnership between Learnmera, Rise Club and Be-Creative will have a trans-national European dimension, and a focus on exchange of good practices and experiences.
Unemployed mothers in Greece are a particularly vulnerable group struggling in a socio-economic context additionally impacted by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. This project aims to support the inclusion of unemployed mothers with few opportunities with an emphasis on their integration to the labor market identified in Greece, Finland and Sweden through local networks and the municipalities.
Pooling of resources at European level through a partnership between organizations supports the exchange of know-how and sharing of challenges such as unemployment, gender equality as well as economic vulnerability and integration/employability of migrants at European level.
- To develop teaching and learning approaches that are relevant to the needs of the labour market in the aftermath of the pandemic, focusing on the specific needs of unemployed mothers.
- To create the Rise Club Academy offering skills training to unemployed mothers in Greece as well as unemployed mothers from immigrant communities in Finland and Sweden, supporting them to find employment and return to the workforce.
- To develop specialized learning content for a series of courses/seminars on: digital skills, language skills job search training and career guidance.
- To create work-based learning opportunities for unemployed mothers in Greece, Finland and Sweden through placements, training in companies.
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The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2021-2-E101-KA210-ADU-000049774