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Project duration: 2014-2017
Partners: Germany, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland

SupEFL – Supplemental Self-Help in English as a Foreign Language for Learners with Specific Learning Differences / Difficulties.

This project is directed at learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) who are experiencing difficulties with one or more of the four language systems (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Where previous projects were top-down being targeted at teachers, this project is bottom-up focusing on learners. At present, there is no portal available to dyslexic learners of English. Even though various institutions are compiling their own materials and resources to provide help and support to those individuals they consider having SpLDs, there is very little information on the internet presented in a clear and systematic way for adult dyslexic learners. This project will follow the guidelines established for dyslexia-friendly content by several previous projects, and adapt activities that have been developed toward our ends. Links to different resources will also be provided.


Project funded by the Erasmus+ KA2: 2014-1-DE02-KA200-001093