
Indylan logo

The Indylan project is almost near completion and the final version of the mobile application will be available for users to download globally for free later this year.

It is well known that smartphones are becoming more and more popular for educating users of all ages within the EU. With this in mind, the Indylan app has been developed for users that speak English, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish. All these languages will be available on the one app.

The main purpose of the educational tool is to teach users about Europe’s most endangered languages, as well as educate them on the cultures. By creating the Indylan app, we will ensure the endangered languages will stay alive and be relevant in today’s modern society.

The endangered languages that will feature on the app include –

  • Gaelic – ‘definitely endangered’
  • Scots – ‘severely endangered’
  • Cornish – ‘critically endangered’
  • Basque – ‘severely endangered’
  • Galician – a minority language
  • Saami – ‘severely endangered’

The partners have been working on the project since 2019 and are currently in the process of uploading the 4,000 vocabulary items from the 100 different categories.

Keep an eye on the Indylan Facebook page and website for further updates on the project.

The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-061875