Project duration: 2012-2014
Partners: Latvia, Turkey, Finland, Poland, Italy
”Learning through teaching”.The aim of the project is for the partners to provide good practices, experiences, methods and seminars on adult education for implementing European Key competencies for lifelong learning and multicultural learning in their organizations and communities The target group of the project are adult learners and trainers for adults of any age. Participants in the project will share their experience and improve their pedagogical skills in organizing learning for adults both through theoretical sessions and practical delivery of their experience to others. One key competence will be discussed during each seminar and during the workshops organized in each of the partner countries. The result of the project will be an e- book containing a list of recommendations and approaches in adult education on how to teach key competencies for adults in the context of European diversity.
Project funded by European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2012-1-LV1-GRU06-03598-3