Digit & Learn

Digit & Learn – Empowering teachers for a more interactive, efficient and appealing digital learning experience
Project Duration: 2021 – 2023
The KA2 “Digit & Learn” partner consortium will support teachers and professors in a digital upskilling journey that enables them to exploit the potential of digital means and technologies.
They will create educational tools that complement their teaching thanks to innovative approaches such as virtual reality environments (VRE) and game-based learning (GBL).
Project outcomes
- Promotion of the use of digital and virtual means in school education.
- Adoption of project results by different educational entities that will integrate them in the curricular activities.
- Consolidation of a cooperation framework allowing partner organisations to be active on the topic exchanging information and proposing follow-up initiatives, also with the involvement of interested stakeholders.
Project Results
- Blended learning-based Training Format targeted at teachers aimed at providing them with digital and new technologies content creation competencies.
- Digital & Virtual Toolbox issued from the co-creation process between partners and trained teachers containing the new developed digital tools to be employed during lessons for a selected sample of school subjects.
- Assessment system aimed at measuring the impact of the Digital Toolbox on student learning achievements.
Website | Assessment System | Training Format | Facebook | Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Read Blogpost | Read Blogpost 2 | Read Blogpost 3 | Multiplier Event Invite | Multiplier Event Flyer
The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000027737