
Re-think/Re-act logo

The Re-Think Re-Act project began in February 2022, and will complete at the end of February 2024. The partners are all focusing all their efforts on finalising the four outputs ahead of the final Transnational Project Meeting and Multiplier Events which will take place early next year.

The four outputs are close to completion, and partners will begin pilot testing and making the final amends over the coming weeks.

Re-Think Re-Act focuses on the inclusion of secondary education students who have adaptation difficulties and/or behavioural issues in the classroom. These issues are usually due to the lack of training of soft skills, which, currently, supposes a real challenge for education systems, as there tends to be a greater focus on the training of hard skills.

Below is a sneak peak of the YOUDO (IO4) interactive digital tool that has been developed to encourage student motivation to facilitate their development of soft skills in an engaging and attractive way.

If you are interested to know more about the project, or attend the Multiplier Events, follow the project’s progress on Facebook @projectrethinkreact or Instagram @rethinkreact_, or visit https://rethinkreact.org/ for more information,

The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032542