Project Duration: 2022-2024
This project, called RE-THINK / RE-ACT, focuses on the INCLUSION of Secondary Education students with adaptation difficulties and / or behavior in classrooms due to poor training of SOFT SKILLS, which, currently, supposes a real challenge for education systems, since they tend to focus their training on HARD SKILLS as a priority. These students often do not receive the appropriate educational response they need, either because they do not have the necessary resources for it or because of ignorance of their personal situation, which can lead to their being excluded from their classroom-group and from their schools, and may even lead to early school leaving.This situation can cause a break in the educational, emotional and social development of the students.
That is why, thanks to the GLOBAL MODEL proposed in our RT / RA project, we will seek to respond to the horizontal priority of INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY IN ALL AREAS OF EDUCATION, TRAINING, YOUTH AND SPORT, as well as the priority sectorial of ADDRESSING DISADVANTAGES IN TERMS OF LEARNING, EARLY SCHOOL DROPOUT AND INSUFFICIENT MASTER OF BASIC SKILLS.In this way, the needs of the students will be attended to to promote their personal development and, with it, a true inclusion, being able to accompany them in the search for their own TALENT and training them to adapt satisfactorily to their schoolcenter, their community and the demands of society, including the acquisition of skills that allow them to know and integrate the so-called SOFT SKILLS.
- Favor systems for detecting weaknesses in educational centers in their attention to students in need of upskilling.-Develop effective materials that facilitate positive attitudes and behaviors that promote student inclusion.
- Train teachers and educational agents involved in effective care, support and mentoring for these students.
- Create valid teaching coordination tools to evaluate and improve the individualized treatment of students with these needs.
- Provide an inclusive vision to European education systems through good practices carried out at national and international level for the development of talents in their students.
- “RE-THINKING FOR SCHOOLS” (RFS), a tool that will allow educational teams and managers to assess whether theircenters are truly prepared for the inclusion of students and their support in the development of the necessary SOFTSKILLS, as well as to obtain answers, guidelines and routes for improvement in their daily educational work.
- “RE-ACT WEBSPACE” (RAW), an educational platform or space for promotion, motivation and RESKILLING for teachers and families, where they can find methodologies and resources to carry out with these students in the different areas in which they are as well as pills or educational tips that will undoubtedly help you in your role as educators. ROLE MODELS and success stories will be included, that is, testimonies from boys, girls, professionals or families who have faced this problem on some occasion and have successfully overcome it.
- “TOGETHER” (2Gapp), application for adequate teacher coordination that facilitates the transition between educational stages and work with the MENTOR or specialist of the RT / RA classroom, as well as with the different teachers of the ordinary classroom and the families or external specialists who They collaborate in the development of the students. This Will have an impact on an improvement in communication and a greater monitoring of the acquisition of competencies and skills of the students in the different contexts in which they find themselves every day.
- “YOUDO”, interactive digital tool to encourage student motivation and make their participation in the activities that the RT /RA project proposes to facilitate their development more attractive. It will be oriented to the realization of games, challenges,interactive and self-diagnosis cards, etc., that can be used both in the RT / RA classroom with the MENTOR or specialist as well as outside of it, favoring autonomy and responsibility in the realization of tasks for their own personal development and the improvement of their behavior and adaptation.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Project Results | Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Newsletter 3 | Newsletter 4 | Newsletter 5 | Press Release 1 | Press Release 2 | Blogpost 1 | Blogpost 2 | Blogpost 3
The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032542